I was watching Kirstie's Homemade Home on catchup last night and to my surprise, I watched and drooled over her lovely new addition that she found at the lincolnshire Antiques Fair.....
For it was our Holivan in miniture! I am sitting here tapping my fingers on the table! Waiting! and I am still waiting for that phone call! for I am sure she bought it with me in mind!....I know! Perhaps she is saving it for me until Christmas!

Yes it will be a lovely surprise!....I'll wait a little longer then Kirstie, :)
Isn't it great having like minded friends :)))))



  1. Hi Happy, can't wait too see the new series, it starts here in Australia tomorrow night, yippee! Tamara

  2. awww i watched it to i love it ;-) And aww good minds think a like so they say she must have been thinking of you ;-)) Dee x

  3. I love Kirstie & can't wait for her new show to start here in Oz tomorrow night. I'm guessing you're going to be on the look-out for a similiar little van. Love your blog. :-) cheers, Jan

  4. Yay, another new episode tonight!

  5. oh knickers! and there was I thinking she had bought it for especially for me!

    Hope you're feeling jollier lately, I've just read the post a bit further down.
    We all have crap times or things that happen and knock us for six,you're not alone there.
    Thinking of you Happs.. keep your chin up. x

  6. I didn't actually enjoy the show this time around, although loved last years!! Maybe I'm just being fussy!

    I have last nights taped to watched this evening!

    Victoria xx

  7. Good to see her at Tobias and the Angel last night.

  8. I love that caravan - I squeaked when I saw it and when I spoke to a friend on the phone later she actually said "I bet you loved that caravan she bought" :O) I have to say I'm like Victoria though, I'm not enjoying it as much as the last one But maybe I'm the same ... just being fussy x

  9. I did think of you when I saw the caravan!!

  10. Love your Blog...Fab! And I loved Kirsties caravan too! Looking fowarding to popping by again sometime soon x

  11. Happy to know about this Happy blog!


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